Update Notes January 2010

Posted by 15 years ago

These additions, changes, and fixes are now available for InteractRV Dealer clients

  • CHANGE: Sleeps label change from just Sleeps to Sleeps Up To to help protect dealership liability.
  • CHANGE: Switched the printable page on inventory pages to a better layout and removed unecessary information when printing.
  • FIX: Bug in page names when products have certain odd characters.
  • FIX: Customer Testimonials weren't displaying uploaded images correctly on the page.
  • NEW FEATURE: If you are part of the Redex group you can now send your inventory directly from your CP > Inventory Manager to the Priority Network website
  • PARTNERSHIP: As part of the RVingPlanet Family of Sites relationship interactive RV tow ratings should be available in the coming year.

These are some improvements designed to help you continue to be the
best in your marketplace and give you an edge over your competitors. 
If you have questions give us a call at 800-515-9672 ext. 4 and ask to
speak to one of your team members today!

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